Inspirational, Fast And Effective: An Interview With Daru Jones

Nowadays, decent music and people who perform music are very unlikely to come up, but Daru Jones is absolutely within the category of rare-found musicians. He does his job with passion, and does magnificent things with his drums. Also, through his wonderful dialogue with you, you become full of positive energy and inspiration.
I met Daru Jones’s energy that belongs one of the most respectful and successful drummers of our age, on the 7nd day of November in 2014 at a Jack White concert by being at the very frontiers. I had a chance to have a conversation with this very inspirational man! His interview that you will read below is as fresh, fast and definitely effective as him!
First of all, thank you very much for accepting to give an interview to Multibabydoll. I have to start with a cliche question; when did you feel that you were born for drums? 
Age 4.

Why drums, not other musical instruments? 

I felt that was my calling, but I also gravitated towards the kit after watching my uncles and cousins play at church.

Do you ever think about “how would it have been if I had worked in another field”?
We have closely witnessed and loved your energy and talent at the concert that you gave with Jack White as part of Lazaretto Tour in Istanbul! What do you think about the Istanbul concert and the audience?
It was one of my favorite work nights and places on the tour. So much love and positive energy from the people.
As far as we know, you couldn’t find a chance to wander around Istanbul. Is it possible for us to see you here again with another project? 
I did briefly and what I saw was very cool. Hoping to be back sooner than later to explore and see more of Istanbul.
How did your cooperation with Jack White start? 
Through a hip-hop recording situation and performance at Third Man Records.

What makes working with him, different from others? 
He’s always been very generous and courteous and has made it a point to showcase the talents of each of the band members; myself included. It’s not just a work-for-hire situation, but a team and family vibe.
I think getting on the stage without setlist makes that concert very special. Well, does this situation sometimes put you in a difficult position?
No! I felt he hired me and the others because we could  get the job done and roll with the punches. It keeps the show fresh.
You seem to be always in a positive mood at the stage. Is that your usual self or do you do this to put the audience into the mood? 
That’s my vibe and usual self.
Do you have a memory during the tour that you can’t forget?
The Glastonbury Festival in the UK during the finale on “Seven Nation Army” 
As we were ending the song we experienced a true Rock N Roll collision as Jack and myself went tumbling down over my kit (lol)
It was classic!
Does spending time continuously together with the other musicians during the tour, make you bored of each other after a while? Or does it make you feel like you are a family?
Family vibes…
Whom do you listen to let your hair down when you are off the concert? 
Lots of hip-hop instrumentals from some of my favorite producers, gospel greats like Andrae Crouch, and soul singers from Bill Withers to D’ Angelo.    
How can you keep your motivation high when the audience is not energetic and focused on only taking pictures with their mobile phones?
I zone out and look for those few people in the audience who are connecting with us and rocking out. 
As far as we see from your instagram account, you are an inspiration to your fans not only with your talents as a drummer, but also with your dressing style. Is this another way for you to express yourself?
Thank you and yes.
Is there any concert that you have participated in and can’t forget?
Red Rocks in Denver, Colorado and Puebla, Mexico concert.
Do you remember your first concert? 
Do you still keep feeling inside that first excitement?

Every now and then but it’s always a joy as I love my job.
It is rather hard for a drummer to create an entrenched fanbase for himself/herself, but you have managed this. How does this make you feel like?
It’s not hard for me because I always strive to interact with those who show love and support. It makes me feel good to put a smile on someone else’s face.
How do you describe your playing style?

Soul-Hop –> Playing from my heart and soul with that hip-hop bounce and aggression.
What do you plan for from now on? 

Keep it moving as this is how I pay my bills and maintain, but I also plan to invest in my growth as a person as well as a business owner so that I can continue to inspire.  Ultimately, I want to build a legacy and better life for my immediate family, son, close loved ones, and team.
My focus is on positivity and adding to the universe by making a difference and giving hope. I want to meet my highest potential that the creator has set before me.
Do you have other projects?
Finally, what if we want you to give a special secret only to Multibabydoll?

Practice makes perfect! Be good to people and yourself then good will follow you. Stay grounded, thankful and prayerful. Bless others. 


*Also check out my Jack White Istanbul Concert review: Hypnotizing Experience: Jack White Istanbul Concert



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