If you are interested in box or a member of this world, you must find Michael Olajide Jr. familiar somehow. He is much more than all this to me; Michael Olijade Jr. is one of the most inspiring person both as a sports addict and a box fan.
Michael Olijade Jr. is a box champion and a fitness expert and he is also personal trainer of Victoria’s Secret angels Adriana Lima and Doutzen Kroes. This is the story of how I met him.
I am energyzed by his workout videos which he gives confidence with his advices and helps my body get fit. Apart from that, he is the most shabby chic man of boxing rings!
Let’s cut this story short as he can’t be described with words, here is the legendary interview of this man. There are many important advices that you can catch while reading, make sure that every letter you miss is lost for you. However, if you’d like more than that, Michael Olijade Jr.’s brand new fitness book “Sleekify” might be the one you look for. Now it’s time to give you some privacy with this inspiring person who responded to my interview proposal very sincerely:
Why not any other sports but box?
This program, Aerobox, goes beyond boxing. In fact, there are as many different exercises within our program, original maneuvers, that will condition everyone from new exerciser to professional athlete. But to me, boxing is an incredible sport that takes the body’s natural range of motion, things very one can do. You cannot take any other athletes training program and train with the level of effectiveness and efficiency as you can with boxing. Other programs need other people, space, machines, heavy equipment. Not this program.
Does your father have a role in choosing box or is it completely your decision?
At the time I decided to box I was living with my mother and had very limited contact with my father. I knew he had a boxing gym and he was my dad so it only made sense to box with him. But yes, it was my own decision. But it doesn’t mean I didn’t want to change my mind at certain points.
I do know that a specific advice of your father has a big role in your career. What advices would Michael Olajide Jr. give to those who want to be a boxer?
For those that want to actually compete I would say boxing really is about knowing yourself. That’s the journey. The opponents you fight are tests so be prepared on all levels… And never get tired. Once your conditioning goes any advantage you had from physical to mental also goes. For those that do it for fitness INVEST IN YOURSELF. your program should be one that forever challenges you… Everyday. Like life. That’s beautiful.
When you look back, do you miss the box styles of 80s and 90s? What things have changed so far?
A fighter will always be a fighter. But when the rules and expectancies change, the fighters also change. It’s a little softer now, in a way-but then in another way it is tougher… but no matter what it’s still an extremely demanding sport. When you have a man against another with only his fists and his brain, man , that is the epitome of competition.
It is obvious that you have passion for your job, can you imagine yourself doing some other job?
I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. I do wish I had done something with the moderate creative mind I have… But I think I also bring that to the workout. Teaching boxing and putting a creative spin on it was the most natural and greatest segue an athlete could ever hope for.
Sports are used to have a good body shape nowadays. As a person who considers sports as a lifestyle, does that disturb you?
I think and have always thought, that If you want to be in shape, do what an athlete does. It’s the only thing that will not get boring if you have a knowledgeable teacher/trainer. They also know how important the mind is when training your body and they keep you challenged. That is so key. Nobody wants to be bored when the workout.
It is impossible for me not to ask this, women always try to find a way to remain fit. Can you give us any clues to have a quick outcome?
Women had the right idea… Cardio based workouts are the most effective. Men all ways gravitate to the weights, but generally the only thing they get out of it is bad knees and bad backs. Cardiovascular based/muscle endurance workouts I believe are the most effective for the change of the body and general overall health. If your cardiovascular system is healthy you have the foundation for amazing health that will last a lifetime.

What mistakes have you determined in sports and nutrition so far?
The mistakes I perceive people make in fitness are they distract themselves for the reality of the workout. You’re supposed to be aware you are in the workout and work your way through it. The tv’s ad magazine reading during exercise defeats the purpose of putting your mind on YOU. NUTRITIONALLY, it so simple but te same mistakes are made. Eat as natural as possible. Your body doesn’t know what to do with processed foods. Food is fuel, don’t flood the tank. Eat enough to power you through a workout and the. Refuel when necessary. Get off the automated eating cycle. 3 meals a day and snacks in between meals? Why? Most of us work office jobs and don’t have a physical need to eat so much.
I watch your workout videos with pleasure, because of your marvelous energy. You raise the energy of your audience. Where does that motivation come from?
Thank you. I think it comes from the love of what I do and the love of people. I love seeing people learn and discover things about their abilities that they never new existed. Health and fitness is not complex and difficult. I am also very competitive and my fight career was cut short. So I bring that with me. finally, I have pride in what I do and really arrive to give people a product that does what it promises. A real fitness experience on every level.
You have great choices in clothing as well as your technical success. Can we say that you find it important to be stylish as well as being comfort?
Thank you! Fighting is a form of expression. Every fighter wears their personality in the ring. And as people I think it’s great to express ourselves and be confident in ourselves through every day of our lives. Clothing should inspire, be comfortable and be your personal form of expression… How people interpret you is another thing all together (laugh)
It is hard to work out without music for most of us. I wonder about what kind of music Michael Olajide Jr listens during work out.
I find motivation and expression in all music. But for classes I mostly use house/tribal because it has a driving beat that always fights… It’s inspirational and feels good… But timing is also very important to the exercise I teach and this undeviating tempo helps define the drills and punches I expect people to execute. It has a consistent level of expectancy.
When you have unsolved issues with your trainees, can you keep thinking professionally or do you somehow get your revenge with hard workouts?
If a trainee (someone I’m training) has difficulty with a certain drill I try a different approach to help them get it. I see it as my test as a trainer. I approach every client as a fighter that wants to win a world title. Their own world title. So it’s not really about revenge… They’ve come to me to help them get somewhere. I can’t let them down. I believe in them. We go from there. And we always win.
Who was your favourite trainee?
It’s interesting…. I love people who try. That’s all, some are able to do the exercise easier than others but they all bring me joy. Whether I am working with Adriana to get ready for a show- Hugh Jackman for a movie or a mom that wants to de stress because the demands at home are so intense. I sincerely love it all.
Do you have any crucial things in your life except box?
Important things to me? I am married and we have 2 teenage boys whom we love to no end. That is always first and foremost. I try to keep things in perspective. Keep the genuine things to the forefront, but that’s never so easy.
As long as i know, you performed in a Turkish movie. What was the reason that made you perform in “Five Minarets In New York”, was it a good experience? Do we have any chances to see you more in screen?
It was just a decision made in the moment. I was eloping the stunt man Manny Siverio do a fight scene and they asked me to do some work in the movie. It was a lot of fun. The director and producers were great. And the lead actor, I forgot his name? Was incredibly cool and a warm person.
World’s most beautiful women rely on you about their body, what’s the descripton of the ideal woman for you?
This may sound cliche but the most beautiful women in the world are the ones that carry that fire… They have a certain energy that comes from within. They emote a crazy life force. Everyone has a specific body type they are attracted to. But that’s part of the package. That’s the calling card. The body interests you but the soul/energy keeps you.
Who is your favourite Victoria’s Secret angel?
Every single girl in VS has their own special magic. It’s crazy. VS knows how to pick them. I can’t discuss favorites But I have been working with Adriana 365 days a year for 8 years. Or so it seems. I knew her before she was married, worked with her through 2 pregnancies, we have a real friendship based on respect and not one day do I regret. She may, but not me. Hahaha. I have the easier job between the 2 of us.
Do you have any new projects for the future?
Yes, I have an incredible book I am just releasing based on my fitness program. Which is completely different from anything else. A new fitness concept you can say. It is called SLEEKIFY and can be ordered on line. I also have a new fitness website It will be filled with incredible workouts for people anywhere in the world it based on a fighters fitness program but all the maneuvers are moves I use to train the models and actors we train at Aerospace. I also have a new line of fitness product on the way that is really exciting.
PS: Thanks Mert Celebi for English translation!